Ahmet Polat

Student Number : s3870017

Github Username: mrahmetpolat



Myers–Briggs Type Indicator [1]

What do the results of the Myers Briggs test mean for me?

According to the test results, I am a Turbulent Logician. The title made me scare a little bit at the beginning, however, I found the result of this test highly accurate. Even though I try to be more extraverted, I am an introverted person overall. I sometimes pay too much attention to the details and risk to miss the deadlines with last-minute modifications on projects. I believe, If the change will make the product function better, worth risking it. I am a highly observant person. I may seem quiet from outside, however listening to others the majority of the time and not talking as much as others do not mean that I am not listening. In fact, I am listening, observing, and analyzing everything. Everything works well in my head, however, when I try to explain the complex thing to other people, I may get frustrated. [1]

How do I think these results may influence my behaviour in a team?

I will function well with a small number of groups. I am sure that I will bring a unique perspective to the group with lots of different and bright ideas. However, explaining what I have in my mind to the others may make them feel that I am feeling frustrated. No matter what I will make sure that a high-quality outcome will be delivered before the due date. Even though this may mean that I will be spending days on the chair to make sure that we went through every single bit of the details, I will still not compromise from the quality of the end product.

How should I take this into account when forming a team?

When forming a team, I should try to work with likeminded people or who would appreciate the way that I want to deliver a project. The main reason is, I would never deliver a project to get a passing mark and I would be happy with it!

Learning Style Test [2]

What do the results of the Learning Style Test mean for me?

My primary learning style is a reflector, the secondary style is pragmatist, and tertiary style is a theorist. This shows that, before doing anything, I prefer to think thoroughly instead of rushing into. Collection information and analyzing them thoroughly are important parts of doing something even though it may mean that I will end up spending significantly more time. I am an experimenter, likes to practice seeing if they work. If they work, I should know how they work. This is purely to understand how things are coming together in theory. I believe the test result is fairly accurate, this explains a lot why I spend extra time when I install things by looking at the guidelines. Instead of just building as per the plan, I try to visualize in my head in detail before starting and try to make sense of why they had to build in a certain way. [2]

How do I think these results may influence my behaviour in a team?

I may require more upfront time to things thoroughly in teamwork. An impatient person who wants to get the things done as quickly as possible may feel frustrated with me. I may feel more comfortable in paired discussions and constant feedback from the other will improve the things during the team studies.

How should I take this into account when forming a team?

I will need a team that will understand the importance of thinking all the possible angles while working on a project. Once we get the things done, even at the last minute, it will work as it should. I believe I should work with people who would appreciate that delivering a half-done job is not and never will be acceptable.

Learning Style Quiz [3]

What do the results of the Big Five mean for me?

According to the Big Five assessment I have a tendency to think complex ways and I may seek out complex forms of self-expression. Fairly organized with average discipline with mid Conscientiousness. I have an introvert personality, with a simple, quiet life lifestyle and rarely seek attention from others. I have a mid-level score for Agreeableness Neuroticism, I can neither have a clear conscious of the things I have done wrong, nor panic and lose my sleep over it.

Even though I agree with 80% of the results, I kind of disagree with Neuroticism as I always feel responsible for my mistakes in the past and still feel sorry for them. I believe this is important to learn a lesson from them to become a better person and a better professional. [3]

How do I think these results may influence my behaviour in a team?

It seems like I can somehow manage to start in the middle ground. I will neither put myself ahead of others nor sacrifice from the things important for me. Trying to express my ideas in complex forms may complicate things a little bit. I should manage to simplify ways to express myself and my ideas in a team environment.

How should I take this into account when forming a team?

I should be upfront with my teammates about how I think, how I operate, and how I like to get the things done. Outlining my characteristic and personality upfront will prevent possible misunderstandings during the project's lifetime.

[1] 16personalities.com. 2020. Welcome! | 16Personalities. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 16 September 2020].

[2]Emtrain.eu. 2020. Learning Styles Quiz. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 16 September 2020].

[3]Truity. 2020. The Big Five Personality Test. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 16 September 2020].